What You Will Learn

    1. Video: Introduction and Overview of the Course

    2. Introduction and Overview of the Course

    1. Video: Choosing the Right Romance Type for You

    2. Deciding What to Write and Your Story Idea

    3. Video: How Tropes Work

    4. Handout: How Tropes Work in the Romance

    1. Video: The Hero and Heroine's Ordinary World

    2. Handout: Knowing Their Ordinary World

    3. Video: Developing the Hero and Heroine's DEW

    4. Handout: Developing the Deep Emotional Wounds

    1. Video: The Catalyst and Meet Cute

    2. Handout: The Catalyst and Meet Cute

    1. Video: External Plot Overview (extra vids in handout)

    2. Handout: Master External Plot Plan (and bonus videos)

    3. Handout: GMC Explained

    4. Handout: GMC ANALYSIS WORKSHEET (with sample GMC)

    1. Video: Overview of the Internal Plot

    2. Handout: Master Internal Plot Plan (and extra videos)

    3. Handout: More on the Internal Plot

About this course

  • $59.99
  • 43 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

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